Quick facts
- Duration:Half a day
- Location:Nottingham / Midlands
- Driver / trainer ratio:One to one
- More information:Assessment form
The aim of this course is identify the strengths and weaknesses within the ADI’s lesson plan and delivery of the proposed lesson. Observation of all the core competencies and instructor characteristics will also be observed and a suitable action plan put in place to rectify any weak areas. The trainer will also observe how the ADI manages risk during the lesson.
At the end of the session the ADI will have a very clear plan of what to develop within their lesson structure. The ADI will be given feedback on their use of the core competencies and the areas surrounding lesson planning, risk management along teaching and learning strategies. The ADI will be given a full detailed post training report covering any areas of weakness. This training record can also be shown to the examiner when you take your standards check to show you have had additional support and training from an ORDIT registered trainer.
Course details
All our Xcel standards check training and preparation is provided by our very experienced instructor trainers. They are specialists at standards check training. They have many years’ experience in the driver training industry and have helped hundreds of ADI’s to pass their standards check (historically check test). When you have training with our Xcel instructor trainer it will be delivered on a one-to-one basis. You can choose to do the training in the trainer’s car, or you can use your own vehicle. During your standards check training, our trainer will listen to what sort of pupil and lesson you are planning to do on the day of your test. Usually, the ORDIT trainer will request to observe the ADI deliver a normal lesson so they can see what sort of teaching techniques are being used and offer advice accordingly.
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) will write to you when your standards check is due; you must take at least 1 standard check in each 4-year period that you’re registered as an ADI.
You don’t have to pay a fee to take the standards check and you must complete the check even if you don’t have your own car or aren’t currently working as an ADI. You may be removed off the ADI register if you repeatedly don’t attend your standards check. It is highly recommended you seek training from an experienced ORDIT trainer to prepare you for your first standards check. The examiner will quite often advise you get expert help from an ORDIT trainer if you fail a standards check.
Questions & Answers
The standards check is something all driving instructors have to do every 4 years or so. The senior examiner will observe the driving instructor deliver a real lesson with a real pupil/client. The driving instructor chooses the pupil/client and the lesson they wish to have observed. It is an opportunity for the examiner to see if the driving instructor is delivering a lesson to a good standard. You will be graded either an A or a B. Anything below B is classed as a failure. If the standard is below what is required then the examiner will advise the driving instructor to seek help from an ORDIT (official register of driving instructor training) trainer in their area. ORDIT trainers can be found on the .Gov website. The ORDIT trainer will then go about helping the driving instructor identify any weaknesses in their instructional ability.
If that happens then the examiner will advise the driving instructor to get some additional training and advice from an ORDIT trainer on the .Gov website. You will then book your next standards check and take any training records the ORDIT trainer has given you to prove you have seeked additional training from an ORDIT trainer.
If this happens firstly it can be quite stressful and scary to fail a second time on the standards check. Again, the examiner will definitely encourage the driving instructor to get more training from an ORDIT trainer on the .Gov website. You will be allowed one more attempt at the standards check. Hopefully with the help from an experienced ORDIT trainer you will pass the standards check on the third attempt. The ORDIT trainer will usually want to observe you deliver a normal driving lesson so they can observe how you teach a driving lesson and make sure that there is good structure and content to the lesson along with instructional techniques. At Xcel Driver Training we have over 3 decades experience in helping driving instructors pass their standards check.